Update Firmware

We periodically provide firmware updates that include;

  • New Features and Enhancements: Introducing additional functionalities and enhancements to improve the overall capabilities and user experience.
  • Improved Performance and Stability: Increasing the speed, efficiency, and reliability of the device, ensuring smoother and more stable operations.
  • Enhanced Security: Strengthening security measures to protect against vulnerabilities and potential threats, maintaining the safety and integrity of the device.
  • Bug Fixes and Compatibility Updates: Resolving software issues and glitches, and ensuring compatibility with evolving technologies and standards.
  • Power Efficiency and Longevity: Optimizing energy consumption to extend battery life and enhance the device's lifespan, making it more sustainable and cost-effective.

We have separate update processes for each device generation. To check which generation you have, go to the configuration screen and check the MCU Type in the Recorder Info tab. Our current (3rd) generation devices have MCU Type STM32U585AII6, 2nd generation devices have EFM32GG11B820, and 1st generation devices have EFM32GG330.

If no MCU data is displayed, you can check the firmware revision. The first digit in the firmware revision corresponds with the device generation (i.e. 2.0.22 is a second-generation device). If your firmware revision isn't listed in a three-part format, it is a first-generation device.

3rd Generation

Download: Firmware-3.1.2.zip

This zipped folder will include the following two files:

  • update.pkg
  • update.pkg.sig

Step 1. First place the update.pkg and update.pkg.sig in the device's SYSTEM directory.

Step 2. Then disconnect and reconnect your device's USB cable.

At this time the device will disconnect from USB, LEDs will blink for a few moments, then the device will reappear and the firmware will be updated!

Important Note

When updating a W-Series device, you will need to run through this process twice. The first time will update the main processor firmware and the second time will update the Wi-Fi processor firmware.

2nd Generation

Download: enDAQ-Firmware-2.01.07.zip

This zipped folder will include the following three files:

  • update.pkg
  • update.pkg.sig

Step 1. First place the update.pkg and update.pkg.sig in the device's SYSTEM directory.

Step 2. Then copy the COMMAND file into the SYSTEM \ DEV folder.  You will need to overwrite the file already located there.

At this time the device will disconnect from USB, LEDs will blink for a few moments, then the device will reappear and the firmware will be updated!

1st Generation

S3-D16 enDAQ Sensors, and all sensors produced before November 2019 use legacy firmware. You'll need to go through the following steps to update your firmware.

Step 1. To update the recorder, you will need to download and install the SiLabs driver and follow the system prompts. It is a very small installation so it should be quick (assuming you have administrative rights on your machine).

Step 2. Download Slam Stick Lab 1.9.1.zip. The software will need to be updated to "show advanced options."  This can be found under the Edit - Preferences menu as shown.  You will need to close and re-open the software for the changes to take effect.

Step 3. Before updating the firmware, you'll need to make sure the device is configured directly to go into "bootloader" mode.  This includes ensuring that the Plug-In action is set to "immediately stop recording and appear as USB drive" and that the button mode is set to "Immediate Start/Stop" as shown.

To check that the driver has been installed correctly, plug in the device and hold the button until the red and blue lights come on.  It may take a few minutes for the computer to correctly recognize and associate the device to the right driver.  After it has done this you should see the Silicon Labs CDC Serial port under Ports as shown. This is not required if the setup meets the requirements for the simplified update scheme

Unplug the device and perform a hardware reset by holding the button for 20 seconds until all lights turn on. Now you are ready for an update!

Step 4. Now proceed to Device - Update Recorder Firmware. You will then receive a warning, you can proceed after reading. Then select the unit you would like to update. It will prompt you for a .fw file. Below is a link to download the file for firmware revision 23.

Download: enDAQ-Firmware-1.00.23.fw


Please note that a .fw file is a .zip folder we just changed the extension. Some company's security protocols will identify the zipped folder and unzip it during download. You will just need to zip that folder you've already downloaded and then change back to .fw extension for the software to allow you to load it during the update process.

After reading the release notes, summarized above, it will prompt you to put the unit in "bootloader" mode which can be done by pressing the button for 3 seconds (only if the device is running a firmware version less than 20).

After pressing the button for a few seconds it should immediately recognize the unit and begin updating the firmware. It will then "release" the recorder and the red and green LEDs will turn on. Then it's good to go!

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