API to enDAQ Cloud
The enDAQ Cloud provides API access to paid customers to programmatically access files and their attributes uploaded to the cloud. Users can also write into the database through the API as well.
In this Article
Obtaining API Access
To obtain an API key you must be on a paid account (free users do not have access). Once upgraded to a free account, navigate to https://cloud.endaq.com/account/api-keys to generate a key.
Once you want to create a key you are given a warning that this key will only be displayed one time.
After accepting, your secret key will be displayed as shown below (note that this key has since been deleted).
After creating a key you will not be able to display that key again, you will instead need to delete it and create a new one.
API Documentation
This PDF contains the documentation to the enDAQ Cloud API.
File Attributes List
A common request will be for specific attributes. These are the ones that are displayed in the My Recordings page and are available on all accounts.
accelerationRMSFull velocityRMSFull displacementRMSFull accelerationPeakFull psuedoVelocityPeakFull gpsLocationFull gpsSpeedFull gyroscopeRMSFull microphoneRMSFull temperatureMeanFull pressureMeanFull
If configured to do so, there are also arrays of each of these variables by changing the suffix "Full" to "Segments."
The following attributes are only available in files uploaded to a professional tier.
psdResultant1Hz pvssResultant1Hz psdResultantOctave psdPeakOctaves samplePeakWindow samplePeakStartTime
Python Example
In this example Python Jupyter notebook we show how to access the enDAQ cloud API using requests and then structuring the JSON outputs into a Pandas dataframe and visualizing the data.