Installation of VibrationData Toolbox

The VibrationData Toolbox is a MATLAB-compiled application and therefore requires an installation to run on your computer. First, you need to download the toolbox from the main site!

In this Article

Video Walkthrough

Below is a quick video which walks through the installation process of our Analyzer software.  It is a different software package but has the same installation process.  Below provides screenshots however from during the VibrationData Toolbox installation.


Below are the requirements necessary to install and run this software.

Operating System Windows 7SP1, 8.1, 10
Processor x64 (64-bit) Intel or AMD processor
Memory 8GB (minimum), 16GB (recommended)
Storage 2GB disk space

Installation Process

To install the VibrationData Toolbox, run either of our installers. The web installer will download the MATLAB Runtime, which takes roughly 1GB of data; the MCR installer includes the MATLAB Runtime. The installers will both open to this page; if you require a proxy connection to access the internet, click "Connection Settings" at the top right, otherwise click "Next".

The next screen will let you choose your installation directory. It is recommended that you use the default install directory, or you may encounter issues converting files. Click "Next" to move to the next step.

Choose the folder you want to install the MATLAB Runtime in. If you have already installed it, this page won't have any options.  Click "Next" to move to the next step.

Accept the license agreement and click "Next" to continue to the next step.  If you have already installed the Matlab Runtime, you will not see this page.

Review the installation directories for the VibrationData Toolbox and the Matlab Runtime.  To change anything, click "Back" until you are at the appropriate step, and continue from there as above.

The enDAQ Analyzer and the MATLAB Runtime will now be installed. Depending on your hard drive and internet's speeds, this may take about twenty minutes; grab some coffee while you wait.

When the installation is complete, click the "Finish" button.  The VibrationData Toolbox and the MATLAB Runtime are now installed on your computer.

First Time Running the Application

The first time running the application on a computer (or after restarting the computer) you will experience an agonizingly long wait after initially starting.  The following image will appear to warn you that there will be a delay but please keep in mind that it can take several minutes to open the first dialog box.  After the first time running the application, the computer caches certain information to make this much faster.  We looked into speeding up this process but it is unfortunately outside our control because it is a MATLAB compiled program

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